Today we went to the Imperial Palace ;)
It was beautiful ;)
It had a HUGE garden and a lot of stone walls ;p
The flowers were in full bloom ;)
nice huh ? ;p
It was really big ;p
this used to be the emperors palace but they moved to Kyoto ;)
Me and mommy took a train there and went sightseeing in the rain ;p
It was chilly and wet ;p
I didn't have much fun cuz' I didn't like wet places and I was wearing heels .___. so it hurt to walk so long a distance.
There was a huge lake and the Irish were all in full bloom ;)
;) it was really pretty ;)
After that, we went to the Meiji Jingu Shrine in Harajuku.
Before entering the shrine, you have to pass through a looonggg lonnngggg path way .___.
Obviously I didn't like walking the looonnggg looonngg path way .___.
It was all stones and it was wet, I was wearing heels -.-
My foot ache like crap -.-
I was bout' to give up walking all the way there, and turned around there it was -.-
there was nothing much there -.-
it wasn't as crowded as Sensoji Shrine and it didn't have any stalls -.-
It was a boring and tiring walk -.-
just to see a really quiet shrine .__.
After that, we went out the shrine .___.
When we reached the main door I shouted out "I SEE HEAVEN !" ;p
and mommy was like "SHHHHHHH !" xD
HAHA, that was hilarious ;p
After that, mommy wanted to go to Kiddyland ( a place where they sell those kiddy stuff ). Mommy wanted to get something for Damien .___. and we walked and walked just to look for KIDDYLAND -.-
And guess what, it was just a small shop -.- something like ToysRUs .___. stupid huh ? -.-
We went in, and I SAW SPONGEBOB boxers ;p
and other merchandise ;)
but sadly I didn't get em' -.-
mommy said go to Disneyland and see if there's anything nicer -.-
ughhh, I was pissed obviously -.-
We took the train back and cooked pasta for dinner ;)
then sleep.
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